

Feeling occasionally anxious or stressed can happen when we find ourselves in a difficult situation, facing a new challenge, or are in an unknown environment. In some cases, some people can address and control their anxiety as they feel it and, in other cases, this anxiety can also go away on its own once the challenging situation is over. However, for some people, the process is not as easy as that, and it can be harder to deal with this anxiety.  Some people may feel that the anxiety is constantly present, it may feel overwhelming, and it may also look as it is never going away. It can happen even in familiar situations like going to school, to work or meeting with friends.  Also, in some cases, anxiety can be so overwhelming that it may take a while for that person to have it under control and may even require leaving a place or having someone else’s support.

If this struggle with anxiety has become a constant battle, difficult to control and has impacted everyday activities for around six months, may mean that it is developing into a disorder.

Anxiety disorders can affect anyone regardless of age or gender. However, it is more likely for women to get diagnosed when an anxiety disorder is present. Some of the anxiety disorders are generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias. Each one has particular symptoms, that can be emotional and physical, but generally speaking, they manifest as excessive fear or worry. These fears and worries could look like sweaty hands, fast breathing, uneasiness, panic attacks, difficulties to move or continue with an activity, lack of concentration,  struggles performing everyday tasks, and difficulties sleeping or keeping asleep for the entire night.

The presentation of these symptoms can interfere with attending social gatherings, speaking with more than one or two persons, limiting to familiar places, and avoiding unknown places or people to name a few. These situations are then limiting activities and experiences that could support people to live fulfilling lives, gain self-knowledge and reach their full potential at work or school.

It is also important to mention that there are some cases where anxiety is little understood, and people suffering from this may not know that they could seek support or may not know that they can access it. It also happens that family and friends may find it hard to provide support, as they may not be fully aware of what anxiety is and its implications.

Hence, if someone feels like anxiety is no longer under comfortable levels or has reached the point where it no longer feels manageable, it is recommended to seek support. Explore professional support is suggested whether the anxiety is just starting and strategies can prevent it from becoming a disorder, or it is already a disorder and intervention is needed.

Support can include visiting your GP for medical advice and to also get a referral for a psychiatrist, if appropriate. Also, the GP can provide you with a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) to access rebates for psychological support.

Psychological support can be delivered in many ways, for example: through art, one on one counselling, self-knowledge, psychoeducation, and psychological assessments. It all depends on your particular needs and the work you may feel comfortable doing.

If you would like to discuss more about anxiety and the work we can do together, do not hesitate to contact me, as I will be happy to support you in reaching your goals

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